Dec 10, 2020
Like most of you, I've had a life of very good moments but also some very hard moments. And over time, through life experiences and lots and lots of reading and studying I've come to integrate 3 core beliefs that have shifted the way I live my life.
These beliefs have helped me become a more patient parent, let go of what I cannot control, and live a more fulfilling life.
These beliefs have impacted my life in such a positive way that today I want to share these beliefs with you because they could impact your life in a positive way too. They could shift the way you see and live your life too and give you space to create a life that makes you feel happier, and that is more fulfilling.
After listening to this episode I hope you look within at your own core beliefs and replace the beliefs that aren't serving you for beliefs that will serve you better. You can change your beliefs to improve your life, to become a more patient parent and to be happier, not some day in the future but now. I hope this episode inspires you to shift your perspective and starting seeing and living your own life in a different kind of way.
For full show notes, click here.
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