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The Mama Instincts Podcast

Feb 28, 2019

Have you ever thought about using humor as a way to discipline your children? After trying many different tactics, humor was the only thing that stopped our toddler from bitting.

In this episode Mama Instincts talks about:

  • How to use humor as a way to discipline children
  • Why is humor so important
  • How to use humor as a...

Feb 28, 2019

Yelling comes natural to many people because it's how most of us were raised. But is it the right way to discipline? Are children truly learning their lessons or are they complying out of fear?

In this episode Mama Instincts talks about:

  • Why most parents yell
  • What happens to children when you yell at them
  • How to...

Feb 27, 2019

Want to know what the Mama Instincts Podcast is all about? Then hit play!

In this episode I will tell you what to expect from this podcast, the topics we will cover as well as a little bit about me, your host, Carolina King.